Annamalai Suresh babu was born on 7th June 1974 in Kaikurichi village, Pudukkottai District, Tamilnadu, India. He obtained his Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Alagappa chettiar college of Engineering & Technology, Karaikudi, Madurai Kamaraj University, in the year 1997. He obtained his Masters degree in Industrial Engineering from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Madurai Kamaraj University, in the year 2000. He started his teaching career as a Teaching Research Associate in the year 2001 in the College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University Chennai till February 2005.He is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering, College of Engineering Guindy campus, Anna University, Chennai. He has more than 100 Publications in Journals and conferences to his credit. He is a life member of Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE), Addtive Manufacturing Society of India , Materials Research Soociety of India and Senior life Member of Operations Research Society of India (ORSI).His research areas of interest includes Materials,Joining, Machining and Optimization of Manufacturing Processes.

Metal Matrix Composites
Polymer Matrix Composites
Additive Manufacturing
Friction Stir Welding
Process Optimization
Anna University, Chennai
Ph.D, Manufacturing Engineering
1999 - 2000
Madurai Kamaraj University
M.E,Industrial Engineering
Madurai Kamaraj university
B.E,Mechanical Engineering