Patent Granted/Published
A Bio Compatible and Bio Degradable Natural Fiber Polymer composite Internal Fiation Plate File No. 201741003282 Published on 10.02.2017, Granted Indian Patent No: 406799 dated 16.09.2022
Hybrid metal matrix composite for brake drum application. File No.201741003283 Published on 10.02.2017,Granted Indian Patent No: 414423 dated 14.12.2022
Method to implement electro static charging on nano particles for improving the dispersion condition File No. 202141020133 Filed on 03.05.2021 Published on 14.05.2021, Granted Indian Patent No: 517417 dated 29.02.2024
A method for the manufacture of the automobile components from discarded materials File No. 202341008686A on Filed on 10.02.2023 Published on 24.03.2023
Lightweight and corrosion-resistant Metal Matrix Composite for vehicle Suspension control arms, File No.202441052289A Filed on 08.07.2024 Published on 12.07.2024
Honours / Awards
Advanced Materials Award for the contributions to the biomaterials research awarded during Advanced Materials Congress 2023 held at Sweden organised by International Association of Advanced Materials.
KCP Endowment for Best Final Year Project given by KCP Endowment in 2023.
DDG Commentation Card presented by Deputy Director General of NCC Directorate (TN,P&AN) in 2022.
Anna University Guindy Engineers 65 Project Award Endowment given by College of Engineering, India in 2019.
High Impact Research Publication 2016-17 given by College of Engineerig Guindy, India in 2018.
Prof A.S.Raju Memorial Award given by Prof.a.Raju Endowment , India in 2016.
IAAM Award is a prestigious and coveted lecture that is delivered by selected few individuals. The IAAM recognizes worthy and deserving researchers to commend their years of hard work and perseverance. These honourable individuals are shortlisted to deliver the coveted IAAM Award Lecture. The lecture is made accessible to the scientific community as part of the Advanced Materials Lecture Series. The members of the community who deliver this lecture are also honoured with a citation. Award recieved from Prof.Orlando Auciello University of Texas at Dallas, USA. at Stock holm,Sweden