Dr.T.T. Nagarajan


Doctor of Philosopy
Ajith D (1115219119) ,”Manufacturing and Acoustics of the Chenda: an Indian Percussion Instrument” Date of Viva- Voce:31.12.2015.(Supported by Canadian Commenwealth ScholorShip)
Arunkumar N.E(1214219110), “Experimental Investigation and Predictive Modelling of Near Dry Wirecut Electrical Discharge Machining Process” Date of Viva- Voce:27.04.2018
Athimoolam M(1012219118) ,”Studies on Nanoclay Reinforced Blended Polymer Matrix Composites” Date of Viva-Voce :27.08.2018
Nagarajan T T,"Investigation on mechanical and thermal properties of hybrid fiber reinforced epoxy composites"Date of Viva- Voce:08.09.2020
Saravanan R,,"Experimental Investigation on dispersion of Carbon nano tubes in polymer matrix compsite and impact on mechanical and thermal properties"Date of Viva- Voce:22.10.2021.(File No. 202141020133 Indian patent Filed on 03.05.2021 Published on 14.05.2021
Devanathan C,"A Study on Friction Stir welding of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites using coated Tools"Date of Viva- Voce:23.12.2021
Doctor of Philosopy-Ongoing

Mr.A.Jacob Moses
